BBC Radio 4: Moral Maze 'Celebrity Power'

Marcus Rashford’s campaign for free meals for vulnerable children during school holidays has received widespread support from both the public and the media.

Yet the relationship between politics and celebrities are becoming increasingly blurred.

So who has the moral authority – the politician or the celebrity?

TRT World RoundTable: CELEBRITY ACTIVISM - Does it make a difference?

TRT World RoundTable: CELEBRITY ACTIVISM - Does it make a difference?

Get a famous face, get that face to say a few nice words, smile for the camera - and that’s your campaign off to a flying start. Or is it? There are questions now about whether celebrity activism really does help.

Roundtable is a discussion programme with an edge. Broadcast out of London and presented by David Foster, it's about bringing people to the table, listening to every opinion, ...

New Internationalist: Does Celebrity Activism Do More Harm Than Good?

Making the case for YES is Andrés Jiménez. Andrés has worked for NGOs in Costa Rica and Uganda in the fields of transitional justice and conflict transformation, his writings featuring in Waging Nonviolence and The Peace and Conflict Monitor. He currently focuses on issues related to responsible travel and community tourism.

Arguing NO is Paul Cullen, a talent specialist whose career started in BBC drama casting ahead of representing award-winning actors as an agent. He continues to work closely with talent, securing their support and advocacy for good causes.

Third Sector Podcast: Celebrity patrons who hit the headlines for the wrong reasons

Third Sector Podcast: Celebrity patrons who hit the headlines for the wrong reasons

After a number of recent controversies about charity patrons and ambassadors, senior reporter Liam Kay talks to charity celebrity management consultant Paul Cullen about how you handle a patron who hits the headlines for the wrong reasons.

influencer intelligence: Celebrity Engagement in a Digital World

influencer intelligence: Celebrity Engagement in a Digital World

Influencer Intelligence's NEW Online Classroom explores the evolution of brand endorsements. The course, 'Celebrity Engaagment in a Digital World,' dives into the successes and failures of talent-led campaigns, providing insight from the experts crafting these deals, addressing challenges and questions from both the brand and the celebrity side. This course will help you understand how to work with talent, from A-list celebrities and digital influencers to emerging stars and tastemakers, and create a formula for success.

It features a selection of 10 up-to-the-minute video modules delivered by an expert digital marketing trainer.

Future of Celebrity Marketing - a panel discussion

Social media is here to stay

The whole panel was in agreement when it came to the fact that social media has changed the landscape when it comes to celebrity marketing. Paul Cullen acknowledges how it has been a lot easier to tap celebrities for smaller engagements and points to a time three years ago when Victoria Beckham shared some latte art of herself from Macmillan’s Coffee Morning on her Twitter account and it resulted in an increase in brand awareness for the charity. Jodie Kidd was quick to agree, admitting that she didn’t believe she needed to join Twitter at first and it wasn’t until her sister (makeup artist Jemma Kidd) persuaded her, that she took the plunge, saying she ‘wished she had started using it sooner’.

BBC Radio solent: the Artemis Challenge Cowes Week 2014

BBC Radio Solent report on The Artemis Challenge, an annual race around the Isle of Wight, where teams compete to win the first prize of £10,000 for their chosen charity.

’But for some crews, even just entering the race was a chance to earn money for their cause. Ed Hill, skipper of Macmillan Cancer Support competed on his Figaro Beneteau with the charity's celebrity manager Paul Cullen.’